Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thoughts on Cannabis

Do we really want our government to legalize marijuana? Isn't the legalization of alcohol enough? The President of the United States is asserting that pot is less harmful than alcohol? Is he relying on scientific evidence or his own personal experience? I know that they say that pot is not a gateway drug, but I grew up in the '60s and '70s, and my experience and observation leads me to the conclusion that it is a gateway drug.

Cannabis de-motivates, causes cognitive changes in brain function, increases obesity and brings on an increase in heart rate.  It is not benign.

I have no problem with the medical use of marijuana, and I think that the penalties for marijuana use should fall within the infraction to misdemeanor categories. This is my compromise. It's not that I think that marijuana is good -- it's just that I feel that marijuana use should be limited.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

1 comment:

  1. Chuck Norris had an interesting perspective on it. He said, "To say marijuana isn’t so dangerous as alcohol is like saying a plain doughnut isn’t so bad for us as a glazed one. The point is what? Wouldn’t it simply be better to ditch the doughnuts from our diets and try whole-wheat toast with organic peanut butter and sliced bananas as a more nutritious way to start our days?"

    However one numbs the consciousness, whether by pot, cake or kisses - are all just as effective and deadly.

    Peace and Love,
    Danny S – RLRA
    Real Live Recovered Alcoholic
